Why book a newborn session?

Besides the obvious desire to share photos of your baby and shout from the rooftops, “I CREATED A TINY HUMAN!”, a newborn session captures a time in their life that always seems to pass way too quickly. From the tiny toes and fingernails to our favorite arm rolls, these sessions capture moments that a phone camera just can’t. Each session is different and with the help of the parents, myself, and of course under the direction of the baby, the shots taken are sure to bring smiles for a lifetime.


Let’s talk siblings! Just like these cuties above, siblings add another layer to all newborn shoots. The juxtaposition between big and little along with a newly forming forever bond is captured so well with these types of photos. Being in a studio setting eliminates distractions and allows for all participants (even if there is more than one) to truly focus on the present moment. It is a great way to set aside some bonding time and always great to refer to when they aren’t acting like the little angels they typically are. To capture a new relationship forming is truly something special. Just another reason to book a newborn session.


These sessions capture your babies at their very best. No boogies or eye crusties here. When we think of our kids, we think of them as perfect and serene, which is exactly what these sessions produce; happy, smiling, bundles of joy. They provide tangible memories that come with generations of enjoyment. That is something worth taking some time out of your day for. Each photo is a keepsake and no amount of tantrums can erase these memories.


Although photos of little ones bring joy at any age, there is something truly special about newborn photo sessions.

NewbornRhea Brown