Discover Corona Del Mar through the Lens of a Newport Beach Photographer

Newport Beach, particularly Corona Del Mar, is renowned for its breathtaking views and scenic beauty - a paradise for photographers and a truly stunning backdrop for family, maternity, engagement, or wedding photography. As a professional Newport Beach Photographer, specializing in family portraits, I am privileged to capture these awe-inspiring settings alongside the smiles and joy of beautiful families, like The Nelsons.

Here is a little sneak peek from our photography session in June at the beautiful Corona Del Mar in Newport Beach, Orange County.

Why Choose Corona Del Mar for Family Portraits

Corona Del Mar, a jewel within Newport Beach, is a location that beautifully blends diversity with natural splendor. It makes for the perfect canvas for your cherished family moments.

The Scenic Beauty of Corona Del Mar

Azure skies, crystal-clear waters, and rugged rocks define the picturesque Corona Del Mar. The vast beach offers the perfect, sandy stage for candid laughter and tender moments, while the rocky terrain gives a contrasting rugged backdrop to the soft, familial bonds.

The Diversity of Backdrops

Corona Del Mar uniquely offers a variety of natural backdrops in one location - a sandy beach for playful pictures, stunning cliffs for dramatic shots, and the captivating sea that is breathtaking at any time of day, but especially at the golden hour. Corona Del Mar has always been one of my favorite beach locations to adventure to with my clients for the versatility in backdrops at one single beach location.

The Golden Hour Effect

Few things can compete with the ethereal beauty of the golden hour at Corona Del Mar. The soft, warm lighting casts a beautiful golden glow, adding a magical touch to your portraits. Booking around sunset or sunrise are the best way to achieve the Golden Hour effect at Corona Del Mar.

The Experience of a Newport Beach Family Portrait Session

The Planning Process

Planning for this family photography session began weeks ahead with discussions about coordinated outfits to create a cohesive (but not matching) look. For The Nelsons family portrait session, we decided on meeting at the golden hour for its soft and flattering light.

The Photo Shoot

The 30-minute session was filled with joy and laughter, the beautiful beach serving as a playground for the girls. I always find the rugged cliffs at Corona Del Mar add an element of grandeur to the images. They also create a bold yet stunning contrast against the water.

more booking and information

If these scenes have inspired you and you can envision your family creating lasting memories here (or have another location in mind!), let's transform that vision into reality. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss how we can tailor an unforgettable photoshoot experience for you and your family at Corona Del Mar, or another dreamy location. Let's make your family portraits not just photos, but timeless pieces of art; heirlooms for generations to come.

Looking forward to hearing from you!